Thursday, June 16, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

I forgot about this, and then I remembered it again.  I'm not really sure what it means, but I assume it means I'm doing okay. Well, as far as Tales from a Mother is concerned.  Thanks so much Amanda, even if you're the only person I know who reads my blog on a semi-regular basis, it means a lot to me knowing someone cares enough to take some time out of their busy schedule (and what a schedule it is with Zoey and Eli running around the house).

Seven things about myself.

1.  I generally blog how I would talk
2.  My goal is to lose 64 pounds before next summer
3.  I secretly grade my friend's emails for grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and flow.  It's how I knew I wanted to be either a teacher or an editor.
4.  My favorite desert is banana pudding, closely followed by cherry yum yum
5.  If someone can make me laugh, I pretty much love them (it's not very hard)
6.  Every single one of my all time favorite teachers has been an English teacher
7.  I used to have a thing for math.  Then it divorced me, took the kids, the house, the pets, and didn't pay me alimony.

I don't know any new bloggers unfortunately. I don't surf around the blogger community enough to find any, which is truly sad.  There are tons of wonderfully creative minds out there that I can partake in, and I'm letting that opportunity go to waste.  I'll have to search around tomorrow and see what I can find.

My blog's gotten a lot of new traffic thanks to Amada. O.o

The guidelines I was following:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award by linking back to them in your post.
2. Tell us 7 things about yourself.
3. Award 15 or 16 recently discovered bloggers.
4. Contact those bloggers and let them in on the exciting news!


Have you ever gotten any unexpected, but very welcome awards?

1 comment:

Amanda McCusker said...

You are welcome! You should look around at some other blogs, there is a great support community out here. Most of my blogging friends are mothers, but there are all kinds of blogs from college students, lots of fitness ones and healthy eating (including Vegetarian and Vegan). It's a lot of fun and it makes me not feel so lonely.