Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Plenty of Walking and Tons of Bug Bites

I've been trudging along under the swealtering sun for hours now and yet I don't even have a sun burn, but somehow I managed to aquire about a million bug bites, most of which are on my legs.  How is that even possible?  I'm wearing denim PANTS!  Did they buzz up my legs just to mess with me?   I don't even.  It is kind of funny though.  Actually, correction, I /did/ get burned.  It's just underneath my shirt... which didn't even come in contact with the sun.  UV rays, you confuse me.

As of nine am this morning I was officiall signed up for classes.  I didn't get to take Spanish because it was full (well, all except the 7pm class which I can't take if I want to work /anywhere/).  So here it is, my schedumal:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday:

English 201 [Brittish Literature to 1800] --- 11:00 am - 11:50 am
History 116 [History of Asia since 1600] --- 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
History 115 [Serpents, Demons, and Divas in Western Civilization] --- 1:00 pm - 1:50 pm

Tuesday and Thursday:

English 207 [Survey of American Literature to the Present] --- 10:50 am - 12:05 am

I ended up taking two histories because the Biology would have been in a weird spot and I need to take the math placement test in order to take any of those. I could still change it to a math, which I might end up doing that (changing Eng. 207 to it), but we'll see.

Also, I figured it all out on a sheet of paper, and if I take 15 credit hours for 3 semesters, and take one math class next summer, I can graduate in 2013 like I was originally supposed to (only 44 of my credits transfered so I'm technically a "sophmore" this semester).  That also means that I can't get in enough Spanish to fulfill a minor, but I can always either do that over the summer as well, or go back for an extra semester.  It wasn't in the original plan, but I really would like it, so I'll have to see how everything plays out. 

ALSO ALSO!  This is the best news of the day!  I went to Financial Aid to discuss why I hadn't been awarded anything if my account said I'd satisfied all the cirteria.  The guy said it didn't make any sense, and he was confused as to why I hadn't been awarded anything, so he went to go ask someone.  About 10 minutes later, he returns and tells me I've been awarded everything I was supposed to be, and that I could now accept it. I ran to a computer lab and accepted all the grants, looking forlornly at the loans.  I REALLY didn't want to accept any of those.  BUT!  After everything was said and done, the grants total up to be enough!  They pay for a full year's tuition with enough left over to buy some used books! 

That is a huge weight off my chest. I've been worried recently about it, and I was scared that if I didn't get awarded anything soon I just wouldn't be going to college this semester, but thank the lord, I am.  I'm so excited now!

Only thing left to do is get my ID (which I was going to get earlier, but the line was way to long, so I'm waiting in the library for a bit), and my books, which I can't pick up till around August 15. 

Everything's working out fine.

What I've learned from this is there's no need to worry. If you keep a straight face and you check into things, they usually tend to sort theirselves out, and if everything's going to be okay regardless, why worry?  I'm going to try my best to remain positive.  It's going to make me feel better.

Also, also, aslo, I've been talking to an old friend of mine.  It's nice.  There's always this edge of not knowing if things are really alright or not though, so it's a bit weird for me. 

But yeah, so that's how today went, and now I'm off to obtain that card. 



Amanda McCusker said...

I am super interested in the second history class, demons, divas and such. That sounds like a lot of fun! I will tell you, English majors tend to fall right into a history minor. I did that as a fall back and I don't regret it at all. Then I was able to take a couple random classes for fun because the histories were easy to fulfill. Just throwing that out there, especially if you get cool things like demons. I had to take the history of transportation, boring, and the history of colonial america, boring with a boring professor. But the Egyptian one was awesome and the environmental one was cool. I'm glad all of you school stuff is lining up now, especially the grants. Hopefully, you will be able to graduate "on time" but don't try to force it too much, there is plenty of time for the real world, trust me. So exciting! Maybe I can relive my college days through you, I'll even read over papers if you'd like :)

Shannon said...

Yeah! I am too! Basically, both Hist 115 and 116, every section is a different class. So like, 50 people could all be in either class but be taking completely different classes. It's REALLY interesting how they set that up.
That one is about:
This course analyzes the relationship between religion and gender from the earliest Mesopotamian societies to the early modern European period. We will see how both religious conceptions of the universe and gendered conception of the human person shaped one another and structured a variety of societies across time. How did religion shape the idea of manhood and womanhood? Are religious myths primarily responsible for the oppression of women and sexual minorities or are other factors more crucial? Students will examine primary sources ranging from court cases involving adultery in classical Greece to documents related to the witch trials of early modern Europe to answer these questions.

It sounds soooo awesome!

Yeah, I've considered that as well. I used to be a history nerd back in the day, but I'm still throwing things around.
Yeah, Egyptian history is one of my favorite subjects as well! I'd enjoy taking a class like that. :3

And, agreed, I shouldn't try to push it. I'm just kind of impatient. XD

LOL! Awww! Yes most definitely! That'd be a great help! Lance was like, "Yay, I'm absolved!"